Graphics Card Reviews

Zotac RTX 2060 AMP

Never Underestimate a Small Form Factor Card.

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Gaming Benchmarks Continued

Ghost Recon: Wildlands

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands is a third-person tactical shooter game. You play as a member of the Delta Company, First Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group, also known as Ghosts, a fictional elite special operations unit of the United States Army under the Joint Special Operations Command. This game takes place in a modern-day setting and is the first in the Ghost Recon series to feature an open world with 9 different types of terrain. The benchmark was run at the beginning of the first mission in the game.

In Ghost Recon Wildlands, the Zotac 2060 AMP was the clear winner over the 1070 ti. In 1080p, the Zotac 2060 AMP averaged 89 FPS, a full 30 FPS over the average of 59 put out by the 1070 TI. In 1440p, the 2060 AMP averaged 69 fps to the 46 fps average of the 1070 TI. In 4k, the 2060 AMP averaged only 40 FPS. However, it was still playable. Especially when compared to the 27 FPS average of the 1070 TI.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is set to be the third and final game of the rebooted trilogy developed by Eidos Montréal in conjunction with Crystal Dynamics and published by Square Enix. In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, you continue your journey as Lara Croft as she attempts to finish the life work of her father. Her in a journey that takes her from Central America to the hidden city of Paititi as she attempts to stop Trinity in their attempt to gain power. The section benchmarked was near the beginning of the first section that takes place in the hidden city. This was compared to the in-game benchmark which seems to be an accurate representation of the game play.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is another great game to benchmark, like the two Tomb Raider games that came before it.  Shadow of the Tomb Raider was tested on the games ultra preset. The Zotac RTX 2060 AMP did a great job in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. In 1080p, the 2060 AMP averaged 95 FPS, 10 FPS above the 85 that the 1070 ti averaged. In 1440p, the Zotac 2060 AMP averaged 62 FPS to the 56 FPS average of the 1070 TI. Even in 4k, the Zotac 2060 AMP kept Shadow of the Tomb Raider playable with an average of 32 FPS. This was just above the 29 FPS that the 1070 TI averaged.

Shadow of War

Shadow of War is an action role-playing video game developed by Monolith Productions and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. It is the sequel to the very successful Shadow of Mordor that released in 2014 and is based on J. R. R. Tolkien’s legendarium. The games are set between the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings in Tolkien’s fictional Middle Earth. You play again as Talion, a Ranger of Gondor that was brought back to life with unique abilities after being killed with his entire family as the start of the last game. Monolith Studios has created a beautiful open world with amazing game play and visuals.

Shadow of War is the sequel to the very successful Shadow of Mordor. Like the original, Shadow of War experiences very high spikes in FPS and very low dips. However, they aren’t that often and the game does run very smooth. The Zotac RTX 2060 AMP averaged 98 FPS in 1080p, 60 FPS in 1440- and only 40 in 4k. It was still enough to beat out the 1070 ti in every resolution though.

The Witcher 3

The Witcher 3 is an action role-playing game developed and published by CD Projekt. Based on The Witcher series of fantasy novels by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. This is the third game in the Witcher Series to date and the best so far. You play as Geralt of Rivia on his quest to save his adopted daughter from the Wild Hunt. At its release in 2015, The Witcher 3 has some of the most beautiful graphics ever seen in a game, as well as some of the most demanding. Even today, almost 4 years later, the Witcher 3 still holds up very well and brings even the most powerful systems to their knees. The game was benchmarked during the hunt for and battle with the Griffin near the start of the main story.

Since its launch in 2015, the Witcher 3 has been a great benchmark, as well as an amazing game in general. We tested the Witcher 3 on the games ultra preset. The results were close for the two cards. But the Zotac 2060 AMP still came out ahead. In 1080p, the Zotac RTX 2060 AMP was able to average 85 FPS. In 1440p, the 2060 AMP stayed above the magic number and averaged 63 FPS. Even in 4k, the RTX 2060 AMP was able to keep the Witcher 3 playable at an average of 39 FPS. If I remember correctly, the 980 TI FTW I had only averaged about 30-35 FPS on the Witcher 3 at its release. When the game released, a 980 ti had trouble doing that. That just shows you how far GPU technology has come in four short years.

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