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Thermaltake Dr.Power II ATX Power Supply Tester

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Thermaltake Dr.Power II
Thermaltake Dr.Power II

When you are sick you call the Doctor, but what about if your PC power supply is not feeling well? You call Dr. Power II. Thermaltake has taken the task of checking your ATX power supply to a whole new level. With the Dr.Power II you can get all the information that ale’s your sick computer power supply. We will be taken an in depth look at a better way to checking your ATX power supply.

[sc:sponsor sponsor=”Thermaltake” product_link=”http://www.thermaltakeusa.com/products-model.aspx?id=C_00001777″ product_name=”Dr.Power II” ]


Thermaltake Dr.Power II ATX Power Supply Tester power supply, Thermaltake 1 Thermaltake Dr.Power II ATX Power Supply Tester power supply, Thermaltake 2

The Thermaltake Dr.Power II comes in box that is just about the same size as the device itself. The detail on the box makes sure that you know what the tester is and what it does for you.Thermaltake Dr.Power II ATX Power Supply Tester power supply, Thermaltake 3

Inside the box we find the the tester, a quick start guide and a full users guide. Make sure that you read the instructions so that you can use the Dr. Power II to its fullest and get the most out of it.


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