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Thermaltake Cooling Solutions Back the Latest Powerful Processors

“The best cooling solution for the 3rd Gen. Ryzen”

Thermaltake Cooling Solutions Back the Latest Powerful Processors AIO, ryzen, Themaltake, Water Cooling 1Thermaltake, an industry leader in premium cooling systems has announced that their liquid and air cooling solutions are ready to help all DIY computer enthusiasts break the processing limits on the Ryzen 3000 series processors!  Modders-Inc whole-heartedly agrees to pushing the limits of your hardware. Void Your Warranty!  All of Thermaltake’s coolers are 3rd Generation Ryzen ready.

Thermaltake Cooling Solutions Back the Latest Powerful Processors AIO, ryzen, Themaltake, Water Cooling 2

Thermaltake has a full spectrum of CPU coolers to choose from.  Want to build your own from a kit?  Thermaltake has it.  Want an All-In-One cooler to slap in and be on your way? Thermaltake has that.  Old School Air Cooler?  Yup, Thermaltake has that too!  Many of Thermaltake’s CPU Coolers also feature fully addressable RGBs with state of the art software.  Some of them will even let you use the Amazon Alexa Voice Service to control your cooler!

Check out the entire press release below which includes charts of all the available cooler choices.  Dig deep! Mod your system! Void Your Warranty!


Thermaltake Cooling Solutions Back the Latest Powerful Processors AIO, ryzen, Themaltake, Water Cooling 3



Thermaltake Cooling Solutions Back the Latest Powerful Processors

“The best cooling solution for the 3rd Gen. Ryzen”

Thermaltake announced that their liquid and air cooling solutions are able to help gaming enthusiasts, streamers, overclockers, and content creators break their processing limits by achieving maximum heat transfer and thermal dissipation with the all-new Ryzen 3000 series processors. All coolers are 3rd Gen Ryzen series processor ready. Choose from Thermaltake’s strong lineup of liquid and air coolers.


Ryzen 9 3900X Ryzen 7 3800X Ryzen 7 3700X Ryzen 5 3600X Ryzen 5 3600
TDP 105W 105W 65W 95W 65W
Recommended Coolers
Liquid Cooling Kit Pacific CL360 Max D5 Hard Tube Water Cooling Kit Pacific C360 DDC Water Cooling Kit Pacific C360 DDC Water Cooling Kit Pacific C240 DDC Water Cooling Kit Pacific C240 DDC Water Cooling Kit
Pacific M360 Plus D5 Hard Tube Water Cooling Kit Pacific M360 D5 Hard Tube Water Cooling Kit Pacific M360 D5 Hard Tube Water Cooling Kit Pacific M240 D5 Hard Tube Water Cooling Kit Pacific M240 D5 Hard Tube Water Cooling Kit
AIO Floe DX RGB 360 Floe DX RGB 360 Floe DX RGB 280 Floe DX RGB 240 Floe DX RGB 240
Floe Riing RGB 360 Floe Riing RGB 360 Floe Riing RGB 280 Floe Riing RGB 240 Floe Riing RGB 240
Water 3.0 360 ARGB Sync Water 3.0 360 ARGB Sync Water 3.0 360 ARGB Sync Water 3.0 240 ARGB Sync Water 3.0 240 ARGB Sync
Air Cooler Riing Silent 12 Pro Riing Silent 12 Riing Silent 12 Riing Silent 12 Riing Silent 12
Contac Silent 12 Contac Silent 12 Contac 9 Contac 9


Cooler Compatible List
Liquid Cooling Kit AIO Air Cooler
Pacific C360 MAX D5 Floe DX RGB 360 Riing Silent 12 Pro
Pacific C360 DDC Hard Tube Floe DX RGB 280 Riing Silent 12 RGB Sync
Pacific C240 DDC Hard Tube Floe DX RGB 240 Riing Silent 12
Pacific C360 DDC Soft Tube Floe Riing RGB 360 Frio Silent 14
Pacific C240 DDC Soft Tube Floe Riing RGB 280 Frio Silent 12
Pacific M360 Plus D5 Floe Riing RGB 240 Contac Silent 12
Pacific M360 D5 Water 3.0 RGB 360 Contac 9
Pacific M240 D5 Water 3.0 RGB 280 UX200 ARGB
Water 3.0 RGB 240 UX100 ARGB
Water 3.0 360 ARGB
Water 3.0 240 ARGB Sync
Water 3.0 120 ARGB
Water 3.0 RED 280
Water 3.0 RED 140
Water 3.0 Ultimate
Water 3.0 Extreme S
Water 3.0 Performer C


For more details on the Thermaltake Liquid Cooling products please visit: https://www.thermaltake.com/products/liquid-cooling.html

For more details on the Thermaltake Air Cooling products please visit: https://www.thermaltake.com/products/air-cooling.html

Where to Buy:

TT Premium Global: https://www.ttpremium.com/

Thermaltake official website and community websites:

 For further information about Thermaltake Technology, please visit www.thermaltake.com/default.htm, or contact our customer support at 0800-266-818.


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