PC Cases / AccessoriesPC Hardware Reviews

Thermaltake Commander G41 Mid-Tower Chassis Review

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Installing the test system into the Commander G41 went fairly smooth. There were a couple small hiccups, but they were easy enough to overcome. First things first, you may notice how tight the fit is between the end of our graphics card and the hard drive cage. This made it virtually impossible to connect the necessary six and eight pin power connectors on our GTX 760. The solution was simple enough however, just remove the top hard drive cage until the graphics card power cables are connected.


The second issue encountered was that the front panel HD audio connector was about an inch and a half too short. Now this may not be an issue for everyone as virtually every motherboard has their audio connector in a different location. In my case this wasn’t a big deal, as I don’t even use my front panel audio ports at all.


After overcoming these two small issues we got the system fully assembled inside the Commander G41 case. As you can see, even in such a tight fit, decent cable management is definitely possible.

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