The Most Humble Modder We’ve Ever Met.

An Interview with Triston Mitchell at Pax East 2020

Guenhwyvar Pax East 2020We first met Triston Mitchell of Intelligent Tech Solutions at CES this year. Before that, I knew very little about the man or his work. However, the build he had on display in a custom painted Cougar Conquer case really stood out. The build is named Guenhwyvar and looks amazing. With its custom paint job, the build has the effect of changing colors as you circle around the system. Triston told us he had about 90 hours in the sleeving of the cables alone. There are no cable combs used in the Guenhwyvar build. All cables are hand laced by Triston himself.  For the entire system, Triston put roughly four months of his time into the build. You can see this in the level of detail Triston put into this systemThe hardware is nothing to scoff at either.

Guenhwyvar Pax East 2020 2

Triston’s Guenhwyvar build is running the I9-9900k on a Z390 Xtreme Waterforce, an RTX 2080 Waterforce, 32 GB of Special Edition Aorus RGB memory and 3 TB of NVMe M.2 storage. The system is powered by an EVGA 850W G3 Supernova power supply. As for the water-cooling, all hardware was provided by Primochill. The system is equipped with a 360mm rad in the top, 240mm Rad in the front. In total, the system has 10 Thermaltake fans helping to cool this custom designed and custom painted monster of a system.

Guenhwyvar Pax East 2020 3

However, the Guenhwyvar build wasn’t the only system Triston had on display at Pax East. Shortly after CES, we sat down with Triston Mitchell on our Twitch channel, Twitch.TV/moddersinc, for a modder spotlight. Admittingly, I had not known Triston before CES. I had however seen his work on social media. But we were so impressed with his Guenhwyvar build, that we extended the invite to the stream and he accepted.

Triston Mitchell Pax East 2020
Triston Mitchell hard at work

During the stream, Triston showed off a custom build he was doing for a man in Corpus Christi, Texas. In fact, after the event, Triston was planning on driving this system to Texas from his home state of Utah so he can personally see his customers’ reaction to the build. Now that is customer service. His customer is a huge Final Fantasy fan and thus, wanted a Final Fantasy-themed build. Now I know little to nothing about Final Fantasy as a whole. However, I do know a great build when I see one and this my friends, is a great build.



The Final Fantasy build is in a Thermaltake Level 20 GT case.  With this build, Triston proved that you don’t need all custom water-cooling for a build to look great. The system is running the i9-9900K cooled by an Aorus 360mm AIO cooler. The I9-9900k is running on an Aorus Z390 Xtreme motherboard. Like his Guenhwyvar build, the Final Fantasy build is running 32GB of 3200MHz Aorus Special Edition RAM. The graphics cards is an Aorus Xtreme RTX 2080 Ti GPU. The system is running 2 TB of NVMe storage. A Thermaltake Toughpower iRGB Plus 1050W PSU powers the system.

triston mitchell @ Pax East 2020

Overall, it was an absolute pleasure meeting with Triston Mitchell in person again. As the title says, he is one of, if not the most humble and friendly modder I’ve personally ever encountered in my five years of covering events such as Pax East. His talent is incredible and his work stands for itself. On a personal level, Triston is the kind of man who would literally give you the shirt off his back, and he actually did so. He gave my girlfriend his Aorus hoodie at an event we attended one night during Pax East. Just an all-around great guy. I can’t wait to see what Triston does next and I very much look forward to covering his work for a long time to come.

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