
Sound Blaster Vanguard K08 RGB Mechanical Keyboard Review

« Sound Blaster Connect Software

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

Sound Blaster Vanguard K08 RGB Mechanical Keyboard Review Creative Labs, Mechanical Keyboard, peripherals, rgb, RGB Mechanical Keyboard, sound blaster, Vanguard K08 1

Overall, my experience with the Sound Blaster Vanguard K08 RGB Mechanical keyboard was a very positive one. I love the build quality. The matte black finish looks great. It’s clearly a gaming keyboard. However, the design is simple enough that it can fit into a work professional environment easily as well. Typing on the Vanguard was a treat. I could type and gamer longer on the Vanguard than on what was my daily driver that has Cherry MX Brown switches.

This thing is packed with useful features such as dedicated macro keys, USB pass through and dedicated media keys. Sure, many keyboards of some of these features, but very few have all these features at such a reasonable price.  Most RGB Keyboard with this feature set come in at about $180 USD. However, the Sound Blaster Vanguard K08 is only $139.99 on Amazon at the time of this review. Overall, the Vanguard K08 from Sound Blaster is a great, all around keyboard. Its great for gaming, content creation, edition or even for the casual user. The Sound Blaster Vanguard K08 is by far, the best keyboard I’ve used in a long time.

Modders-Inc Hardware Editors Choice Award

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One Comment

  1. Good review Paul.
    I have a Logitech G410 Atlas Spectrum keyboard with Romer-G keys on it.
    It’s pretty damn nice too.

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