3DMark Firestrike from Futuremark is a Semi-synthetic DirectX11 benchmark designed for high-performance gaming PCs. Firestrike performs advanced geometry, illumination and particle tests with its Graphics benchmark and performs physics simulations using the CPU. For our video card test, the graphics card score and overall scores are presented in both Firestrike and Firestrike Ultra.
While we did not perform real world tests, 3D mark does include two DirectX 12 benchmarks. One is an API overhead test and the other is TimeSpy which represents a DirectX 12 Game.
Under ‘Test System’ and ‘Conclusion’ section of this review, you mention using the GTX 1060 for comparison. The test result graphics display GTX 960.
Thanks for pointing that out. The charts have been updated to show the proper name of the cards that were tested. -Tom
AMD RX 470 with 4GB can run most games at 1080p 60fps, and it only costs $200.
RX 470 is a much better value than RX 480 or GTX 1060.