Rosewill RNX-N150NUB WiFi Adapter Review: Old Tech in the New World
Do you have a notebook that you have used for a really long time? Most of the notebooks last anywhere from 3 to 5 years and after a while they begin to act up. Wear and tear on the components inside is a real thing. Lots of people think that when they drop a grand on the laptop it should last forever. Unfortunately that is not the case. First thing to go usually is a screen or a power inverter then any sort of connectors, thermal paste, fans etc. I had a laptop once with on board WiFi card. After about five years, the card died and the only way to replace it would mean a complete motherboard change. However, not everything was lost. I have found an external USB 2.0 WiFi adapter that gave me back ability to surf the web and get another year out of my laptop. Today I am going to be looking at a similar WiFi adapter from Rosewill RNX-N150NUB. RNX-N150NUB is a Nano USB based Wireless Adapter that is designed to work on 2.4GHz frequency and offers wireless data rates up to 150Mbps.
Technical Specifications
Dimensions & Weight
RNX-N150NUB comes in a small packaging that makes a great impression with the color but also with the actual size of this adapter. Packaging box is very small 5″x3″x1″ and does a good job explaining what is inside. On the back side of the packaging I found some information on encryption and standards which this adapter supports.
RNX-N150NUB supports 64/128-bit WEP (Hex & ASCII), WPA/WPA2, WPA(TKIP with IEEE 802.1x)/WPA2(AES with IEEE 802.1x) and WPS encryptions. As far as standards, I found out that this little guy supports only IEEE 802.11 b/g/n.
Theoretical data rate of RNX-N150NUB is 150 Mbps that operates only on 2.4 GHz frequency. Its small size (no bigger than a penny) is very impressive.