PC Water Cooling

Raijintek Triton Review: A Bold Alternative

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Closer Look at the Raijintek Triton

Raijintek Triton Review: A Bold Alternative 240mm, AlphaCool, coolant, Enermax, glycol, nepton, radiator, Raijintek, triton, triton core 1

Unlike other all-in-one units, the Raijintek Trion uses actual fittings and users can swap out parts if they wish to customize their build. The hose semi-transparent and the flow is visible when the Triton is turned on. The tubing has a 12.5mm outer diameter and a 9.5mm inner diameter. Unlike other AiO’s with ribbed tubing however, this hose is less resistant to kinks so users have to watch out when installing so that the flow is not obstructed.

Raijintek Triton Review: A Bold Alternative 240mm, AlphaCool, coolant, Enermax, glycol, nepton, radiator, Raijintek, triton, triton core 2 Raijintek Triton Review: A Bold Alternative 240mm, AlphaCool, coolant, Enermax, glycol, nepton, radiator, Raijintek, triton, triton core 3

The radiator measures 275mm long and 120mm wide with a 32mm height. The fin density is at 22~23 per inch and gap between the radiator and the fan mounting frame is 7mm. Mounting holes for the fans have the standard 15mm gap.

Raijintek Triton Review: A Bold Alternative 240mm, AlphaCool, coolant, Enermax, glycol, nepton, radiator, Raijintek, triton, triton core 4

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The coldplate is listed in Raijintek’s official specifications as copper but the surface has been nickel plated and is very reflective. Total contact surface is 54 x 54mm but not counting the area with screws on it, available contact surface is 43x43mm which is still plenty even for Intel LGA2011 CPUs with large surface area for their integrated heatsink.

Raijintek Triton Review: A Bold Alternative 240mm, AlphaCool, coolant, Enermax, glycol, nepton, radiator, Raijintek, triton, triton core 5 triton16

All the connectors for the pump block unit are on top including the hose for the flow-in and flow-out and the service port. This review sample did not come with a warranty void sticker on the service port but if you buy this unit in retail stores, it will most likely come with one. This service port allows users to refill, add dye to the coolant or replace their coolant entirely but all of those will void the standard warranty.


The coolant is a transparent glycol solution but users can customize it with the red, green or blue dyes. A pair of white LED’s inside light up when the pump unit is plugged in. If left transparent,t he glow is white.

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Raijintek Triton Colors

The bundled pair of 120mm fans use a 3-pin connector but both share one instead of having separate connectors. A two-pin header is wired into the connector with a two-setting rheostat for running the fan at full speed or at a low setting. There are seven white blades and can ramp up to 2600RPM with a rated air pressure of 4.819mmH2O and 100.455 CFM.

Raijintek Triton Review: A Bold Alternative 240mm, AlphaCool, coolant, Enermax, glycol, nepton, radiator, Raijintek, triton, triton core 6 Raijintek Triton Review: A Bold Alternative 240mm, AlphaCool, coolant, Enermax, glycol, nepton, radiator, Raijintek, triton, triton core 7


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