Featured Case Mods / Modders

Ragnar’s Revenge by Ali Abbas #CMCASEMOD2016

The scope of the Cooler Master casemod event is worldwide, enticing amateurs and professional modders alike. While it is a great way for those new to the hobby to make a name for themselves and show their projects, it also attracts the best of the best and those who have proven their abilities in the past to defend their crown and measure how well they can stack up to the continually growing and improving competition.

Ragnar's Revenge by Ali Abbass

Ali Abbas is an example of the latter; an award winning modder that has shown proficiency with hand-crafting casemods and unrelenting creativity that is always trying out a new idea. Under his belt are 9x championships, 8x vice champ and 7x third place in Germany. He has won WMI championship three times and Modding Masters twice (and 2nd place once). He won silver in HardwareLuxx’ contest and ASUS Dream Machine invitational.  His DCMM Colossus casemod has also been recognized as a world record for being the largest, fully functional mice. He also has placed in the Cooler Master World Series three times now with two 3rd place finishes and one 2nd place finish. Needless to say, he is a force to be reckoned with.

He has made a Samurai-themed casemod in the past, but his entry this time takes cues from Viking culture dubbed “Ragnar’s Revenge”.

Ragnar's Revenge by Ali Abbass

Words from the modder:

It is a theme I always wanted to build and when the new Vikings series started it was actually the kick start for this one.

The vikings are omni present even though they actually only pillaged and plundered and stole and murdered in historic time window of approx. 230 years. after that they managed through settlements and adjusting to simply flow and blend in with the rest of Europe.

The settled down, made deals with certain kingdoms, truces and land owning as well as trade started and thex even converted to christianity. All this and the flow of history in general led to them simply diminishing in the wake of a new era.

Nevertheless, they have left a mighty legacy and by god its one worth telling about.

Amongst the stories we are told, many legends and heroes as well as myths and mysteries were created and still are being discovered.

Many lies and legends like the helmets they were supposed to have worn were created by none the less as Wagner and other myths like they even had horns and wings on them were concocted by hollywood for entertainment.

Many things can be relied on as factual though, like the rights of women as somewhat equals, the very functional but rational and some times radical but very efficient form of democracy, as well as the stories and there with growing legends of brave warriors and expediteuers and adventurers who discovered the americas long before Columbus and Amerigo did.

This case is not dedicated toa a single legend but to all of them, with all the heroes and heretics, whether brave or bad, whethere true or untrue.

Its was however very much inspired by the historcally true but at the same time drenched in mysterious tales of one Warrior.


Competing in Cooler Master’s Case Mod World Series 2016? Submit your project on this page: http://www.modders-inc.com/submit-your-case-mod-to-be-featured-on-modders-inc/

Check out the full worklog for this project and lots of other casemods for #CMCASEMOD2016 over at Cooler Master’s forum: http://community.coolermaster.com/index.php/forum/64-mod-worklogs/


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