PC Cases / AccessoriesPC Hardware Reviews

Mountain Mods Ascension CYO (Custom Computer Case)

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MM Assembly 30 Most computer cases seem to say, “be happy with what you get or mod what you want.” Since I’ve started building I’ve been hacking up almost every case I’ve received because there is always a feature that seems to be missing to support all of my components. Mountain Mods knows this first hand and they are giving the buyer every possible option. From horizontally mounted motherboard trays to 480mm radiator support this isn’t a case that works with what you need. The Mountain Mods Ascension CYO is a case that supports everything that you could ever want in a computer. It is only limited by your wildest dreams.


[sc:sponsor sponsor=”Mountain Mods” product_link=”http://www.mountainmods.com/ascension-cyo-custom-computer-case-p-483.html?osCsid=0a28p001hl7ogicjoqqitlff76” product_name=”Ascension CYO” ]



MM Package 1 MM Package 2
Shipping is the most crucial step in purchasing something online. Now that we are in the year of 2013 more and more orders are being placed online so we would hope that shipping quality can keep up with the higher demand.

MM Package 5 MM Package 6
Right off the bat I can tell that Mountain Mods is no stranger to shipping quality. The Mountain Mods Ascension that I received is the best packed item that I have EVER received. Someone could drop this out of an airplane and the case would still not have one dent or scratch on it. Notice the shock absorbing corners in the nutcracker style boxes.

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Taking that box out it is taped up very well. When the flaps are cut free you can see more tape holding the box closed below that. MM doesn’t mess around. They justify the hefty price of the case in the quality of their packaging.

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With a little more tape cutting we finally get inside to find a nice amount of packing peanuts. As we start lifting the parts of the case outside of the box we see that everything is wrapped in saran wrap and the smaller parts of the case are structurally supported with cardboard and also wrapped in saran wrap. 

MM Package 14 MM Packaging 20
After (literally) 30 minutes of unwrapping layer after layer of saran wrap and picking up all of the loose peanuts off the floor I have all of the parts of the case ready to go. Let’s take a look at them.

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