PC Case Modding How To

Making a Windown in Your CD-ROM Drive

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There she is, all done. Now this mod can be taken even farther by adding LEDs that light up the inside of the CD-ROM. You could also use a different color plastic for the windows or cut a design instead of a rectangular window. You just took a large step to creating a custom case. Step back and enjoy your hard work.
Making a Windown in Your CD-ROM Drive 1
Making a Windown in Your CD-ROM Drive 2

Making a Windown in Your CD-ROM Drive 3

Guide written by Americanfreak.
Addition from (Tazz): Make sure that when your planning your cuts that the area is going to be able to be seen when installed in your case. AmericanFreaks setup was done for use in his lexan case. Thus location was not a problem for him. In a standard (non-clear) case this might be a tough one to show depending on your chassis. Below is an example of the window being toward the rear of the drive.


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Making a Windown in Your CD-ROM Drive 4


Disclaimer This guide is for informative purposes only! We (Modders-Inc.) will not be held responsible for any damages caused to or resulting from anything that you have decide to do to your case or hardware. We (Modders-Inc.) will not be held responsible for injury to your person or others as a result of you or others attempting any of the things that are shown on this site. You are responsible for your own actions, whether your actions are based on information gathered from Modder-Inc or its affiliates. Always use the proper tools for a job. Always wear the necessary Safety Equipment.


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