Storage Devices

Lexar SL200 Portable SSD Review

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Closer Look at the Lexar SL200 Portable SSD

The SL200 has a stylish look to it and very pleasant to touch. One side of the SL200 is completely smooth and the other side has a decorative design on it. On the front of the SL200, there is the ‘Lexar’ logo and on the back of the device, there are clear markings of the capacity and serial number. The material the SL200 is made from is ABS plastic. ABS plastic is light and durable and is great for small external storage devices like this.

The SL200 is only 9.5 mm deep and extremely light. The only connector on the SL200 is the USB 3.1 Type-C connector. To show access to the device Lexar has placed a micro-LED near the Type-C port. When the device is being accessed this LED gently blinks white.

As I have mentioned earlier, the SL200 is about 86 mm in length which is just about the length of the credit card. Storing this device would be extremely easy and also easy to lose because of its weight.


I have tried to take the SL200 apart to see what kind of components were inside but once I have removed what I thought was a secure plate I quickly realized that there is no way of opening this device without breaking it.


The SL200 Could be connected to mobile devices or computes via enclosed USB 3.1 Cables. It is also worth to mention that the tables are about 10 inches long.

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