PC Case Modding How To

Learn How to Prep and Paint Your PC Case Mod :Video

The day we went to GeForce Garage

How to Prep and Paint Your PC Case Mod Video

Painting is an essential skill that every case modder should know but if you have no previous experience working with paint, knowing where to start and what is involved can be confusing. Painting your PC case is part of creating a custom PC case mod, NVIDIA’s GeForce Garage, their on-going effort to spark creativity, tackles the topic of painting featuring our very own Editor-in-Chief Dewaye Carel. Dewayne flew to NVIDIA HQ in California to demonstrate a step-by-step of how to achieve a great looking paint job on your PC using affordable and easily available equipment from any local hardware store. Take the next few minutes, watch the video, and you will be prepared to tackle the paint job you have been putting off.

This is the third part of NVIDIA’s Antec 900 series case mod project. The first part featured Rod Rosenberg of BSMods demonstrating how to cut-out a custom side panel window while the second part is with Brian White of UnitedWeMod who showed how to install a motherboard skirt on a case mod. For those who prefer a printable version of Dewayne’s painting guide, NVIDIA has also provided a step-by-step photo PDF that is easy to follow, available for download here.


Here are some of the products that we used and recommend to paint your PC case.

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