PC Mouse

FUNC MS-3 Gaming Mouse Review

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 The Mouse



FUNC MS-3 Gaming Mouse Review FUNC, Gaming Mouse 1

Finally we will be taking a look at the mouse and right away you can see that it probably looks different from the mouse you are currently using. Well if you take your hands, place them over the image of the FUNC MS-3 and hide the left and right sides it probably looks more like your mouse. But the stuff you just hid is what makes the mouse what it is, comfortable and easy to use.

FUNC MS-3 Gaming Mouse Review FUNC, Gaming Mouse 2

Four of the buttons on the mouse are located on the left (thumb) side, so this is where most of the extra action will take place. One button is placed on the lower section of the, uh, wing (sounds good to me). After I finish the tour of the mouse I will give you a closer look at the buttons.

FUNC MS-3 Gaming Mouse Review FUNC, Gaming Mouse 3

*Insert your own funny saying here* Say what you want but yes it has a big backside, but with out it you would lose what makes this mouse special.


FUNC MS-3 Gaming Mouse Review FUNC, Gaming Mouse 4

So here is a better look of the right side of the MS-3. The “Batman” look is where your pinkie and ring finger rest in the grooves. These grooves allow your hand to spread out over the mouse and give you more control. I can insert my two fingers, place my hand on the mouse and allow my three other fingers not touch the mouse with them and I can still accurately move the pointer on the screen.

 FUNC MS-3 Gaming Mouse Review FUNC, Gaming Mouse 5
                                              Your new wingman

FUNC MS-3 Gaming Mouse Review FUNC, Gaming Mouse 6

 This over view gives you the best look at the design of the mouse and how your hand fits to it. The two grooves on the right are for two of your fingers and on the left you have a place where your thumb rest and works the some of the action buttons. Even thought the look of the mouse makes you think that your hand will be all-spread-out but in reality the shape makes your hand feel more comfortable.


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