
Enemy Territory Quake Wars Radio Pack : by AmericanFreak

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OK on with the log….

The top part of the case had to be removed to get sandblasted and painted. Cooler Master made sure that the casew ould be nice and strong by pop-riviting just about every connection point, which is good, but a pin in my butt to take apart.

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The easiest and quickest way to remove all the rivits is by drilling them out.

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The case now without a top.

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Once the top was sandblasted and cleaned I gave it a once over with the green primer.

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After that was dry I masked off the top and painted the underside a flat Black as this is what color
the inside of the case was going to be.

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The reason I did it this way was that I could put the case back together and paint the enire outside of the case ot once if I wanted to, which I kind of did.
I did end up putting on the lighter green paint on the top and a bit of darker green over that to help see what things were looking like at this point.
Next I turned my attention to the case frame. Since I was not going to do any mods to the frame it was safe to start painting it now. I figured that flat black would be a great color for the inside of the case. I would imagine that if you were out in a battlefield somewhere and you had to open it up you would not want to have a bunch of reflective stuff giving away your position.

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