PC Cases / Accessories

CORSAIR 680X RGB Tempered Glass PC Case Review

Cool Enough For Me

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From this view, we can see a majority of the items that make this PC case different than most. Made of metal, plastic, and glass is nothing new, but the style, design, and layout are. On three sides of the Corsair Crystal 680X, we have some sort of tempered glass. The top and front pieces of glass cover the ventilation opening and where either fans or radiators may be installed. The largest piece is the all glass (minus the hinges) side panel.


Let us start our journey of the Corsair 680X at the top of the case and we find that you have buttons and connection available to you. The buttons include the power and reset, while your other connections are placed between them. The ports that you can access are mic/headphone, Type-C 3.1, and USB 3.0. It might seem like a minor detail, but I do like that the rest and power buttons are not next to each other to help prevent those accidental button pushes.

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Sliding over to the left we get a better look at the top panel and the glass that decorates and protects this area. I know the first thing you are saying is “That glass will restrict the air flow!”. As we can see that the glass is raised up off the top of the case and is totally unblocked on all four sides. A rough measurement gives us a total of 22.5 square inches of open space for the air to escape.

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If you would like to remove or replace the tempered glass, four thumbs screws can be removed and then the smoked glass can be taken off.

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Looking at the front of the Corsair 680X we see the second piece of glass. Like the top piece this on is raised off the front of the air intake about .5 of an inch and is 18.5 inches long and 7.5 inches wide. Although it is raised off the case the front panels are made to blend the glass into the design. Along the left side of the front panel eight .5 x 1.5-inch vents are added to increase the amount of air allowed into the case. I looked on how the panel could be removed and found that it would require a small Philips screwdriver and probably 20-30 minutes as it appears that you would have to take most of the front section apart.


Moving to the right side of the case, which has a solid side panel, we see that there is plenty of air intake. An included magnetic fan filter is placed over the perforated metal. Why is there an air intake placed here? This is where the intake of the power supply will be getting its fresh air.

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The rear of the case gives us a glimpse of what the inside might be like. The right looks like your typical modern day pc case, but it is quickly noticed that the power is over the left and has been turned vertically. Above that we can see were plenty of air can flow in or out of the Corsair 680X with or without the assistance of fans.

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Turning the case so that we can see the bottom allows us to see that a plastic removable dust filter covers an opening that enters the main cavity of the case.

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  1. You are the only one out of 100 to say it had high air flow. When in fact the front window chokes the air coming in a great deal. Did you even try to remove the front glass to test out the difference? I guess the 32 odd screws will be enough to make anyone not want to try it. If they would have made it like the top and only held in by 4 or 6 extended screws to remove it they would have won the battle. Giving the user the ease of leaving it on or removing it. Then you could have 3d printed a front mesh cover to mount there.

    Filling up the bays with 4 x 3.5 full mechanical drives is also a nightmare for heat. As the heat has no way to be pushed from that bay side. You can either get creating and mount some 120s in there or smaller. Or 3d print a fan holder and add fan to the bottom to keep the air moving.

    Next time you do a review put a little more effort into it. This was a very bland review with no AIRFLOW testing done at all.

  2. Thanks for the feedback. BTW I am STILL using the case and have had no issues with airflow. Also remember that the bottom of the case is open to allow more air in or to be forced out.
    I do believe I did state in the video that I wish the glass was removable or why did they even do it other than keeping the look of the case the same. You also have to keep in mind that we, as enthusiast, think of terms of things as running the PC 1-2 degrees cooler than the average person and that sometime looks out weight the things we think are important.

    Just writting this cause I got this case and EVERYTHING you say is so true, FINALLY someone speaks the truth about this case. The entire case is very nice to the eye wont deny it, it is pretty yeah but the way it lacks basic stuff like being able to remove the front glass as mentioned without DYING with so many screws really, its very very annoying do NOT buy this case, Corsair wont care wether it fullfits your needs or not.
    Not to mention also my build, I do own a EVGA 3080ti hybrid, liquid cooling AIO and having to install a double radiator was just…stupid really. Contacted Corsair, again they DIDN’T care. It wa sold to me as a case that could fit ANYTHING inside..and no it cant, try fitting inside a 3090 suprim or similar.
    I really regret having purchased this thing, and this review, I Understand it takes some effort to let others know and the like, thank you for that but really,please dont lie this case overheats with just looking at it if you have average latest components, specially graphic cards of the new generation, even with some custom tweaks here and there, liquid cooling, fans…anything it IS really bad with temperatures. There cheaper options, that actually keep your stuff cooled down, I sold my Lian Li XL and got this one, if you could see my face now…
    Worst part is the way Corsair, contacted them to check on my build, see if they could give me a hand and they really ignored me, very disappointed wish I had not bought this thing, so many years buying their stuff, never again.

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