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Cooler Master Storm Inferno Gaming Mouse

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A Closer Look

At first glance the Cooler Master Storm Inferno appears to be like any other gaming mouse, but that is were it all stops. 

Cooler Master Storm Inferno Gaming Mouse Cooler Master, Gaming Mouse, Storm Inferno 1


What we are looking at here is a highly advanced gaming mouse that is capable of doing numerous functions from a single press of a button or when multiple buttons are pressed in breakneck speed; it will bring havoc. We will start off slow in the review and build our way up through the Cooler Master Storm Inferno Mouse.
Cooler Master Storm Inferno Gaming Mouse Cooler Master, Gaming Mouse, Storm Inferno 2

The approximate six foot long USB cable has a braided cover over it to help kept it stiff and tangle free. This idea was started a few years ago and it work rather well for gamers as well all know that moving your mouse around and what not and then the cord snags itself on something means certain death in a game. My old Logitech G5 has this same sort of cord and for a daily mouse,well, the cord can be a pain the rear to non gamers and it tends to push itself off a flat desktop. 
Cooler Master Storm Inferno Gaming Mouse Cooler Master, Gaming Mouse, Storm Inferno 3

Starting off on the right side of the mouse we begin notice a few things right away. We can see that there are three distinctive parts to the Inferno Mouse. The first one is the smooth curved surface that starts at the rear of the mouse and inches it was towards the front. Second we observe that the smoothness is replaced with a grooved rubberized portion on both sides of the mouse to give you control. Thirdly we are presented with the business end of the mouse that houses eight (that is right I said 8) of the 11 button located on the mouse. 

Cooler Master Storm Inferno Gaming Mouse Cooler Master, Gaming Mouse, Storm Inferno 4

Moving over to the left (thumb) side of the mouse we get to see the final three buttons which are surrounded by the rubber and also covered with it. Giving you a vulcanized death grip control on the over the mouse. 

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Cooler Master Storm Inferno Gaming Mouse Cooler Master, Gaming Mouse, Storm Inferno 5

These three buttons are better know as side button 4 (IE, forward) button 5 (IE, back) and button 11 (Storm Tactics Multiplier Key). This will allow you to have an extra 32 on-the-fly button executions. Now don’t forget the the other two buttons can be configure to a multitude of options, key stokes, make dinner, bring you a soda, and so forth.

Cooler Master Storm Inferno Gaming Mouse Cooler Master, Gaming Mouse, Storm Inferno 6

You see this key? The one sitting out all by itself. It will become your new best friend if you are into FPS or online shooting games. You new friend goes by the name of Rapid Fire Tactical Key or “Your dead as#%^&e!”. Buy using the Storm Tactic AP Software, which you will see later, you can assign firing power to be looped or repeated from a range of 1- 254 shots with a click. But wait that’s not all… you can also define the time of duration with each shot AND the interval between each shot. So what this means that if you like to do short burst of shots, say four, and you want a half second between each shot you can do it and do it every time with this button.


Cooler Master Storm Inferno Gaming Mouse Cooler Master, Gaming Mouse, Storm Inferno 7


Buttons, buttons everywhere! Here we see three more buttons and I shall tell you what they do. Moving from left to right we will first talk about the long one on the left. This is button number seven and what it can do is help you adjust the DPI , mechanically, on-the-fly. If you press and hold it for three seconds and you scroll the mouse wheel forward (increase DPI) or backwards (decrease DPI) ypu have just adjusted the Inferno’s DPI. Press it once again and you are back to normal. This button and its partner to the right will allow you to move up or down in the programmed mode for that you already configured. The Hexagon shaped button is used to scroll through all your programmed profiles.


Cooler Master Storm Inferno Gaming Mouse Cooler Master, Gaming Mouse, Storm Inferno 8

Yes that wheel is really big and you know what, it is about time! The entire wheel is 3/8 inch across with the rubber being a 1/4 thick. I have used mice that have had thin or wide scroll wheels, but never this broad. But I can tell you that this one feels really good and easy to use. The large “canals” are there for a few reasons with one of them the help divert sweat away from the wheel under heavy usage to keep you at peck response. The large area allows for more scrolling area… think about it if you have a small wheel it has to spin a lot to get where you want to go but with a larger wheel less rotation is need to achieve the same result. 

Cooler Master Storm Inferno Gaming Mouse Cooler Master, Gaming Mouse, Storm Inferno 9

The wheel is also a button but trying to push it down is not an easy task. I am not sure but I think there might be some one else pushing on the other side. I had been using the mouse for a few weeks and did not even know that it could be depressed until someone said something about. But to tell you the truth the only time I EVER use the mouse wheel as a button is by accident. With more that two hands full of buttons on the mouse I do not think that it would be a big deal to remap it to another one. To me a wheel is a wheel, not a button.

Cooler Master Storm Inferno Gaming Mouse Cooler Master, Gaming Mouse, Storm Inferno 10

Of course the color that is emitted from the Cooler Master Storm Inferno is Red. Even in this daylight shot we can see that is give a nice effect to the mouse.

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