PC Cases / Accessories

Cooler Master N400 Computer Case

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Hardware Install

The inside of the Cooler Master N400 is painted black to match the exterior, this is a nice touch that for the most part is reserved for mid to high end cases. the fix and finish inside and out is great as expected from a great company such as Cooler Master.


With our hardware installed we have a few things to consider. The case has suddenly become very full of wires and it seems that a little less effort was placed on ways in which to route wires and cable management than other aspects of the case. I would love to see more ways to route wires. With that said we also have to consider the fact that we have a large 120mm liquid cooler fit into our case with both push and pull fans attached.


As we pull the other side cover off we can see the lack of options for routing and tying down wires. Cable management is hard enough in most mid tower cases without the the lack of routing holes.

Cooler Master N400 Case

Here we have the 2.5 drive mount included with the case. I found this bracket extremely useful and enjoyed knowing that my main hard drives were tucked safely away out of sight and out of mind.

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