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Cooler Master CM Storm Enforcer

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Hardware Install

Let’s bring the Enforcer to LIFE! 

Installation was a snap- the motherboard holes line up perfectly, the 5.25 cage makes it a breeze to install your cd / dvd drives, as well as the requiem card reader into the interchangeable 5.25/3.5 faceplate.  I installed the hard drive in the lower portion of the 3.5 cage (that is not removable).  Plenty of space left to add 2 more optical drives, and 5 more hard drives if desired.
If you decide that the integrated graphics that may be available on your motherboard aren’t quite up to snuff, you have room for an optional add-in graphics card up to 270mm long and still have room to leave in the removable 3.5” HDD cage.

Cooler Master CM Storm Enforcer CM Storm, Cooler Master, Enforcer 1

  OR, if you need to get a higher end graphics card ( up to 390mm) you need to remove the 3.5” removable HDD cage) like below:

Cooler Master CM Storm Enforcer CM Storm, Cooler Master, Enforcer 2

  With the Enforcers ample slots cut out in the motherboard tray, running your wiring cleanly is a snap (I don’t normally spend a lot of time on what the wiring looks like “behind the scenes” as I’m inside the case pretty often, so function over form on the side no one but me ever sees.  Using the numerous little punched out spots in the tray gives you a lot of anchor points for zip ties to keep even the bulkiest of power supply cables snugged up tight to the tray- with just enough room to get the back panel back on with no effort.  Thanks for the correct amount of space Coole rMaster!  Some case manufacturers take this needed room and narrow it down too much to slim the overall case- leaving you the builder with the need to run the majority of the wiring on the inside of the case.  This Enforcer, however, is not your run of the mill case- smart engineering was done with the end user in mind, and it is much appreciated!

  With the wiring run like this in the back, 

Cooler Master CM Storm Enforcer CM Storm, Cooler Master, Enforcer 3

  The inside looks nice and tidy. 

Cooler Master CM Storm Enforcer CM Storm, Cooler Master, Enforcer 4
Cooler Master CM Storm Enforcer CM Storm, Cooler Master, Enforcer 5

  I couldn’t get a decent picture to turn out to show the area around the power button with the small red glowing light running under the main power button, with another small red LED to show hard drive activity.  Neither of these were attempting to be aircraft landing lights- bright enough to be seen, but not too bright as to be annoying.  

  I did manage to get a somewhat grainy picture (no flash- sorry) of the front of the case when it was running- the red LED fan in front is very nice looking- the aiming of the LEDs give the fan and the light a lot of depth and is very sharp.  Assembled, this is a very fine looking computer that any mainstream user or enthusiast could be proud to have as their system without being embarrassed that it is too flashy to be taken seriously.  And like in Hockey, you should ALWAYS take the enforcer seriously!

Cooler Master CM Storm Enforcer CM Storm, Cooler Master, Enforcer 6

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