PC Gaming Accessories

Auroza X1 Gaming Chair

AUROZA XI GLOW PC GAMING CHAIR (BLACK/RED)Some of us spend more time at a desk than we would probably like to but then again some of that time is for entertainment. You know those long session of gaming, movie watching or binge watching sessions to get caught up on your favorite series. Even if you do not do any of those things you can still be uncomfortable is a bad chair and who wants that? In the past few years gaming chairs have become more popular as they are design to handle those long sessions at the desk with plenty of support and comfort. e-bluegaming is one of those that been around for a while, but are just now making their way into the US market. They have taken of the overseas market by storm by being one of the most popular e-sports chairs. During this review we will be looking at the Auroza X1 which has a special touch that no other chair has.


Product and pricing at Amazon



EEC-301 A(1) EEC-301 C

World first illuminated Gaming chair with human sensor,light up your battlefield!

-4 different lighting modes

-Ultra filament leather, better abrasion resistance and toughness

-Class-4 Gas Spring

-Aluminum alloy five-point

-Durable one-piece backrest cover

-Build-in human sensor


The Auroza X1 from e-bluegaming is introducing something new into the gaming chair market with occupancy reactive lighting. On the back side of the chair you will see the E-BLUE logo with two horizontal channels that house LED’s.


By removing a panel at the center rear of the Auroza X1 you gain access to a huge 20000 mah power bank that can keep the LED’s lit for days on end.



This LED’s are activated with a small 4 position switch.

Mode 1: Unmanned= Red Lights / Manned Blue Lights

Mode 2: Unmanned= Red Lights Glimmer/ Manned Blue Lights Glimmer

Mode 3: Unmanned= Red Lights Glimmer/ Manned Lights Off

Mode 4: Unmanned= Blue Lights Glimmer/ Manned Lights Off

Auroza-gaming-chair-4 Auroza-gaming-chair-5

For full details about how to assemble the chair and our review please check out the video below.


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