Graphics Card Reviews

ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Ti Review

Two years in and still the king!

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Synthetic Benchmarks


3DMARK is the go-to benchmark for all enthusiasts. It covers tests for everything from tablets and notebooks to gaming laptops and the most powerful gaming machines. For this review, we ran both Time Spy Extreme and Firestrike Ultra. For the synthetic benchmarks, we still run each benchmark three times. However, we just go with the best overall results out of the three, we do not average them out.

2080 ti strix firestrike ultra

In 3D MARK Firestrike Ultra, the Strix RTX 2080 Ti did slightly better running on out 9900k testbench. The overall score on the 9900k being 8528 and the graphics score was 8339. This is a bit higher than on our 9700k test system, but not that much higher. The Strix 2080 Ti achieved an overall score of 8309 and a graphics score of 8269.

2080 ti strix timespy extreme

For 3D MARKS Time Spy Extreme, the 9900k system achieved an overall higher score. However, the Strix 2080 Ti achieved a higher graphics score on the 9700k system. On the 9900k system, the Strix RTX 2080 Ti achieved an overall score of 6452 and a graphics score of 6750. On the 9700k system, our Strix RTX 2080 Ti achieved an overall score of 6234 and a graphics score of 6892.


VR Mark consists of three separate tests, each more intensive on your system than the last. These tests are The Orange Room, the Cyan Room, and the Blue Room. The Orange Room test is the least intense and is meant to test a system that meets the minimum hardware requirements for VR Gaming. The Cyan Room shows the user how the use of an API with less overhead can provide the user with a great VR experience, even on less than amazing hardware. The Blue Room test is designed for the latest and greatest hardware. The Blue Room renders at a whopping 5k resolution and is designed to push your system to the limits for an amazing VR experience.

2080 ti strix vrmark orange room

In VRMARK Orange Room, our Strix 2080 Ti did better on the 9900k system with an overall score of 13430 to the score of 12591 on the 9700k system.

2080 ti strix VRMARK Cyan Room

In VRMARK Cyan Room, our Strix 2080 Ti did slightly better on our 9700k system with a score of 13856 to a score of 13594 on our 9900k system.

2080 ti strix vrmark blue room

In VRMARK Blue Room, our Strix 2080 Ti did better on the 9700k system with a score of 4742 compared to the 9900k system that achieved an overall score of 4272.

Unigine Superposition

Superposition is another GPU intensive benchmark put out by Unigine, the makers of both the very popular Valley and Heaven benchmarks. Superposition is an extreme performance and stability test for graphics cards, power supplies, and cooling systems.

2080 ti strix V

2080 ti strix superposition 8k

We ran both the 4k optimal and 8k optimal tests in Unigine Superposition. On both tests, our Strix RTX 2080 Ti did better on the 9700k system. On the 9700k system, the Strix 2080 Ti scored 12043 on the 4k optimized tests and 5180 on the 8k optimal test. On the 9900k system, the same card scored 11942 on the 4k optimal tests and 5121 on the 8k optimal test.

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