Featured Case Mods / Modders

Cosmos Cruizer by Brian “Boddaker” Carter

It is one thing to see a completed art work in front of you and admire its excellence, but it is another thing entirely to see it built from scratch to finish. It is not just what you see in front of you that is important but also what has been happening behind the scenes. Getting a glimpse of what emotions and thought process the artist was going through as the project continues is an experience that transcends the physical, connecting to the audience on a human level and reveals a level of passion that that is as awe inspiring as the masterpiece itself.

aCruizer_Header aCruizer-LAN1


Over the past few months, legendary modder Brian “Boddaker” Carter of bods-mods.com has been working on his Cosmos Cruizer build, taking us through his experience step-by-step in the Modders-Inc forum worklogs on how to build a masterpiece mod. From conception to finish, Mr. Carter puts on a clinic on modding, taking a Cooler Master Cosmos II case and converting it to a hotrod inspired rig. Making a public appearance at the recent PDXLAN25, the Cosmos Cruizer took home the top prize, deservedly so, even with other incredible builds competing against it. Fabricating many pieces himself at home including the fibreglass body and the aluminum stands, the project confirms exactly why he is one of the greatest modders all time.

Cruizer-LAN2 Assembly20

Parts List


Painting was done by the legendary Bob Stewart of BS-Mods


Assembly8 Paint12

To see more of Mr. Carter’s work, visit his website: http://www.bods-mods.com or in the Modders-Inc forum worklogs.

If you want your mod to be in the “Featured Mod of the Month” here at Modders-Inc, submit your build using this link: http://www.modders-inc.com/submit-your-case-mod-to-be-featured-on-modders-inc/


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